SAFE is a research project which focuses on violence, safety, and security experiences by LGBTQIA girls in Zimbabwe. The project is aiming to utilize the power of storytelling to explore the ways girls in the LGBTQIA community and all their identities in Zimbabwe are navigating various contexts of violence in all facets of their lives. The research will shed light on what violence is, how it manifests in everyday lives of LGBTQIA+ girls, the intersectionality of identities and how these relate to these experiences, and how we can collectively build resistance towards these forms of violence for strategies relating to our safety and security. The project uses story circles as a participatory approach to gather narratives from queer girls in different thematic areas. The story circles are divided into specific topics such as Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence, Public Safety and Security, Access to Justice, Online Violence, Sex Work and Sexual Reproductive Health, etc. Participants are encouraged to share their personal experiences within these themes while ensuring anonymity and confidentiality.
Funded by purposeful fund
Feminist Voices Zimbabwe envisions a world where stories, conversation, and creative expression are used to challenge worldviews.
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